
Our wordmark has been purposefully created to work seamlessly across all types of media and channels, regardless of scale. It can be substituted for the full logo when there are limitations on space or other constraints that make it impractical to use the full logo.


Our icon is a shorter version of our logo, intended to be used in situations where there are space constraints and the full logo appears too small. However, it should only be used when the Realforce brand has been clearly established elsewhere on the page or design. If there is any uncertainty, it is recommended to use the full logo instead.


The logo should be presented in its original design and orientation. Please do not edit, change, distort, recolour, or reconfigure the Realforce brand marks.

Logo clearspace

To ensure that the logo is displayed correctly and does not appear cramped or crowded when placed alongside other design elements, it is crucial to provide ample space for it to stand out. This is where clearspace and margins play an important role.

The logo's clearspace specifies the distance between the logo and any graphic element within a composition. Use the height from the symbol as a reference for the appropriate clearspace.

For instance, if you were to place our logo, sized 30px tall, in a logo pool beside other logos, you should ensure that the Realforce logo has a minimum of 30px of clearspace on all sides.

The same general rules for clearspace that apply to the logo also apply to the icon. Same goes for wordmark but instead of using the symbol as a reference, use the cap height of the wordmark.

Incorrect usage of the logo


Do not reverse the logo.


Do not change any colors.


Do not rotate any single part of the logo.


Do not stretch or alter the proportions of the logo.


Do not change the arrangement of the logo.


Do not apply shadows, or other effects.


Download them, use them where you use logos. You know the rules, no putting it upside down, stretching it, or doing anything else funky.



Realforce uses a  color palette that is inspired from the world of tech.


HEX colors are used for screens, CMYK colors are used for print. Please note that the outcome of CMYK colors may vary on different printers, papers and techniques. Make sure you do test prints to determine the color outcome before producing printed material.

Main colors

The main colors of our brand incorporates vivid hues to create a striking visual impact. We use these colors purposefully and strategically in our products and marketing materials to draw attention and emphasize essential information.

Club Blue
Purple Haze
Club Blue
Purple Haze

Neutral colors

Our neutrals apply to most backgrounds, text, UI elements and elevation shadows to create a sense of depth and visual hierarchy. They don’t typically have a meaning associated with them, though they can imply things like disabled states.

These are dedicated for both light and dark mode.

BG 800
BG 700
BG 600
BG 500
BG 400
BG 300
BG 200
BG 100
BG 50
BG 0

Semantic colors

Semantic colors helps users identify status, see actions, locate help, and understand next steps. The consistent use of color keeps cognitive load low and makes for a unified and engaging user experience.

success Variant
Warning Variant
Error Variant
Discovery variant

Color guidence

Here are a few examples of how we use colors.

Use for backgrounds, default text and UI elements, such as secondary buttons, cards or navigation elements.
Use for primary actions or elements that communicate the Realforce brand.
Use to communicate a favorable outcome, such as a success message.
Use for UI that communicates caution to prevent a mistake or error from occurring.
Use for UI that communicates danger or serious error states.
Use for UI that communicates something new, such as onboarding or new feature information.


Plus Jakarta Sans is Realforce's primary brand typeface. To ensure consistency and legibility it is used in all brand material, communications and product interfaces. At this moment in time we use two weights of Plus Jakarta Sans; Regular 400 and Bold 700. These two weights gives a good coverage when it comes to typographic hierarchies.


Here we show how we use Plus Jakarta Sans in different scenarios.

Plus Jakarta Sans Regular 400

Plus Jakarta Sans Bold 700

Typography guidelines

Here are some general guidelines for how we use text. Depending on the text size, we have listed a couple of approaches below.

This headline is 2 times larger than the sub-headline

This subheadline is 1.5 times larger than the body text

This is a standard body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Plus jakarta sans BOLD 700
2 times larger than subheadline
Height = 1.5
Tracking = 0
‍Plus jakarta sans
1.5 times larger than Body text
Height = 1.5
Tracking = 0
Body text
Plus jakarta sans REGULAR 400
Height = 1.7
Tracking = 0

Headings & large texts


Large heading - 4 rem / 1.2


h1 - 3.5 rem / 1.2


h2 - 3 rem / 1.2


h3 - 2.5 rem / 1.2


h4 - 2 rem / 1.3
h5 - 1.5 rem / 1.4
h6 - 1.25 rem / 1.4

Paragraphs and overline

Our mission is to untangle the industry complexity and enable our customers to focus on creating value for their brand and agents.

text-size-large - 1.5 rem / 1.5

Our mission is to untangle the industry complexity and enable our customers to focus on creating value for their brand and agents.

text-size-medium - 1.25 rem / 1.5

Our mission is to untangle the industry complexity and enable our customers to focus on creating value for their brand and agents.

text-size-regular - 1.125 rem / 1.5

Our mission is to untangle the industry complexity and enable our customers to focus on creating value for their brand and agents.

text-size-small - 0.875 rem / 1.5

company announcement

Overline - 0.7 rem / 1.5

Line length

To improve readability, adjust the reading environment to suit the reader. Optimal line length for text is around 60-100 characters per line, including spaces. This makes content more digestible and easier to read, improving comprehension and engagement.


Plus Jakarta Sans is available through Google Fonts.


Tone of Voice

At Realforce, we understand the importance of establishing a strong and consistent brand identity. A significant aspect of this identity lies in our tone of voice, which enables us to effectively communicate and connect with our audience. Our tone reflects our brand's personality and influences the way we express ourselves, the words we choose, and how we engage with others.

Voice & Tone

Your brand voice is your company’s personality. It always stays the same. Your personality impacts the things you talk about, the words you use, and the way you interact with others.

Your tone changes depending on the situation, subject matter, and who you’re talking to.
Your personality or voice doesn’t change—but the tone of your language does.

Realforce Core Values

What is our customer-facing mission?
To simplify and modernize the technology stack in Real Estate, enabling even small teams to deliver high-level marketing operations, at scale, through software.

How do we deliver this?

A high-performing tech product suite available through an easy-to-use interface.

Flexible programs that deliver customized solutions for specific customer needs.

A product universe designed to fill the gaps in existing tech stacks, and work well with existing software.

Powerful analytics that provide ROI on marketing spend.

Finding a Brand Voice

Our neutrals apply to most backgrounds, text, UI elements and elevation shadows to create a sense of depth and visual hierarchy. They don’t typically have a meaning associated with them, though they can imply things like disabled states.

We are this…

But we are not this…

Champions of innovation 





Expert/ An authority




Transparent/ Open



Overly protective

We don’t take ourselves too seriously








Overly familiar


We choose our partners carefully

Content Style Guide

Preferred English
Impacts spelling, punctuation, terminology.

Website/ Global Assets
British English

Localised Assets
Including press releases, event materials, one-pagers, one-to-many emails
British English
American  English
Australian English
Swedish (ad hoc. for certain customer assets)

Point of View
Realforce is referred to as a singular noun in the first / third person.

Realforce is / has…
The team at Realforce is / has…
At Realforce, we are / we have…
Realforce employees are/ have…
Keep the brand name intact at every touchpoint.

“Realforce’s customers”

“Realforce’s Program Builder”

“Customers of Realforce”

“The Realforce Program Builder”

About Realforce.
Realforce is referred to in the third person as if written about by an external party.

Realforce is / has…
Avoid using “it” - instead use “Realforce”

We are a tech company and we are not afraid to use technical language, but we do not use

The terminology we use should be attainable and in common usage with our target audience.

Technical terms should only appear within a simple sentence structure to avoid complexity.

Realforce does not use technical terms when explaining challenging concepts.

Realforce strikes a balance that shows expertise in the field, with a collaborative approach toward customers.

Realforce is designed for the Real Estate industry and is comfortable using industry terminology.

Realforce is  mindful of geographical variations in terminology and seeks to be inclusive in global-facing assets.

We avoid using slang.

In situations where we use an informal tone (social media for instance), some slang may be appropriate.

Preferred Terms
Using Realforce preferred terminology consistently across all communications helps to strengthen our brand voice.

Realforce has customers and partners, not clients.

Never Ever Words
There are some words Realforce never uses. Swearing is an obvious example.
When referring to a specific person use he/she, unless otherwise advised.
When referring to a hypothetical agent,  customer, or customers’ customer, try to use “they” to promote inclusion, and prevent gender stereotyping.

Realforce typically uses fast tempo in sales materials, website copy, social media posts and email. Use short, snappy sentences to convey confidence or even urgency. This helps to break up text so it feels conversational. Plus, short sentences are easier to read.

For a more relaxing tone, Realforce uses a  slower tempo. Longer, flowing sentences can encourage customers to sit back, and soak up the experience. Use this tempo for certain blog posts or to tell a compelling story that takes the customer on a journey.

Describing our Brand Voice

Realforce is a reliable partner and comfortably displays expertise in helping customers to reach their goals. A straightforward approach, and  an engaging and amiable attitude puts customers at ease.

Expert/ Authoritative

Engaging/ Amiable





We use Font Awesome to guide users' attention to important actions, commands, or sections while minimizing the mental effort required to understand the content. Use them thoughtfully and sparingly. If you're unsure about whether an icon is necessary, it's best to avoid using it altogether.


Font Awesome provides a collection of scalable icons that can be customized with CSS, and can be easily inserted on all our medias. Font Awesome icons are vector-based, which means that they can be scaled to any size without losing quality. However, we strongly recommend them to be shown in either 16, 24, 32 or 48px. We use the sharp versions, Solid and Regular.

fa-sharp fa-Regular fa-house
fa-sharp fa-solid fa-house

Font awesome Docs

Get set up and learn how to use the icons.

Brand marksColorsTypographyTone of VoiceIcons